Experienced Cat Sitter
North Park
Meowvelous Meowmmy & Woo-er of Cats
I've loved cats since the moment I laid eyes on one. By age 4 I had waged a fierce campaign to have one of my own and was finally rewarded with a wee tabby barn kitten (who lived to be 19), and I have never been without cats since. I live with two furry feline boys right now, Gino ("the Pants") and Nigo. I'm about to inherit two more furry kids from friends who are leaving the country so we will be a full household!
Experienced with:
✔️ oral medication administration - pills
✔️ oral medication - liquids
✔️ eye medication
✔️ ear medication
✔️ transdermal medications
✔️ topical medication
✔️ subcutaneous fluids
✔️ inhaler administration
✔️ blood glucose home testing
✔️ insulin injections
✔️ injectable medications
Patience to Achieve Purrs & Snuggles
I started formally petsitting in San Diego around 2006. I have loved all the critters I've worked with–dogs, cats, guinea pigs, horses, birds, the occasional snake. But there’s just something about kitties… I love their quirks, their demands, their sensitivity; I love wooing each one and finding that “way in.” When patience brings you a cat’s trust, it’s a beautiful thing. And the snuggles are epic!
Like my fellow Tabby Manor-ites, during the time I spend with them, your furry kids will get the same focus and care as I give my own. We know we have some big shoes to fill while you’re away, so we do everything we can to make their world safe and comfortable until you return!
- Jocelyn